Dear Friend

Be the reason for someone to have hope. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

What You Seek is Already Within You, But Do You Want it.

Dear friend,

When I hear of wars and rumors of wars, conflicts between countries, groups, believes, individuals, and even conflicts within ourselves, I am reminded of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s War is Over, If You Want It.

I want it, but how? I ask myself. Yoko Ono’s analogy is that each human is like a little pebble dropped on the water’s surface, and its ripples will spread far and wide. She calls them Pebble People.

I am just one, you say to yourselves. Indeed you are, but a powerful One! I remind you that you are not just one, but one of billions of other Ones with the same innate capacity to Love! (The last time I checked, there are 8 billion of us humans on this precious Blue Pearl.) Imagine billions of little pebbles dropping into a body of water. A tsunami you will get!

Thich Nhat Hanh shared this in one of his books of inspirational quotes:

At the moment of his awakening at the foot of the Bodhi tree, the Buddha declared, “All beings possess the capacity to be awakened, to understand, to love, to be free, yet they allow themselves to be carried away on the ocean of suffering.” He saw that, day and night, we’re seeking what is already there within us.

“What we’re seeking is what is already there within us.” Hmm, does this sound familiar?

“The kingdom of God is not coming in a way you can observe, nor will people say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘Look, there it is!’ because the kingdom of God is within you.” — Luke 17:20-21, EHV

The Christ and The Buddha must have had some pretty intense spiritual instant messaging with each other!

We are all innately loving connected free-will beings with the capacity to be compassionate. If we want peace now, we first need to allow ourselves to find it within ourselves, instead of allowing ourselves to be carried away on the ocean of suffering. What we’re seeking is already there within us.

I leave you with this meditation mantra that I have been using:

What is Love?

Love is colorful;

Like the Rainbow.

Love is kind;

Kindness is an expression of Love.

Love is compassion;

Compassion is an expression of Love.

Love is patient;

Patience is an expression of Love.

Love is forgiving;

Forgiveness is an expression of Love.

Love is gratitude;

Gratefulness is an expression of Love.

Love is peace;

Peace is an expression of Love.

Love is Grace;

Grace is an expression of Love.

Love is welcoming;

Acceptance is an expression of Love.

Love is I am;

I am an expression of Love.

Love is the Universe;

The Universe is an expression of Love.

Love is unconditional.

❤️ Namaste ❤️

The Universe in me recognizes the Universe in you.

Happy Lunar New Year

Dear friend,

Have you eaten yet?

It is the year of the dragon, and I am still on my sabbatical.

I am occupying my mind and time with meditation and baking. Like painting, I think baking in itself can be meditative.

“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” ― Germany Kent

I like to think of something to be grateful for, and if I cannot come up with anything to be grateful for, I will repeatedly say “Thank you”, and eventually something worthy of gratefulness will pop into my mind. A thankful heart and mind are like healing medicine for the body.

I used this recipe for the bread in the first image but I deviated far from it because I did not have the right ingredients. Especially the sourdough yeast, so I improvised:

On the prior day, I gifted this little painting, Magenta, to be part of a children’s art school fundraiser gift basket.

I painted this study maybe 14 years ago, and it was forgotten until my kind neighbor mentioned that she was putting together a gift basket of art supplies for a fundraiser. I thought it would be nice to add this little painting to her gift basket.

Magenta. Oil on paper. 5“ by 4”. Gifted.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

The impermanence of things

I do not yet have any new paintings to share, but I always have some thoughts to share with you.

The New Year’s celebration seems to be the only time we collectively and joyfully celebrate change. And every year we will surely hear someone say, Goodbye old year, don’t let the door hit you in your backside!

Rightfully so because we have free will! But we have freely allowed ourselves to be conditioned to behave like spoiled brats — we seem to find something to sour about because we do not like the changes that do not go our way. I think it is also called, self-entitlement. But what a waste of the power of our free will!

In this life, many demolitions are actually renovations. — Rumi, paraphrased

Changes will always happen and they seldom go our way. Sometimes the change can be dramatic and sometimes subtle. We could hate them or we could love them. However we choose to define them, they are all the same, changes and impermanent.

Nothing stays the same. Nothing is permanent. Our liberation is to break ourselves from our old habits to allow ourselves to celebrate the impermanence of things, and to celebrate the power of being kind to ourselves and one another.

Instead of saying, Goodbye old year, don’t let the door hit you in your backside! Say something like, Thank You 2023, and Thank You 2024! We look forward to the new adventures you will offer.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. — Meister Eckhart

I paraphrase my friend whose background was in astrophysics: If you observe the Universe with Love, it will respond accordingly.

In a world where we can be anything, be Kind.